Follow The Enchanting Bookmobile’s Journey
Embracing Black History Month in Children’s Books
In honor of Black History Month, we would like to highlight a few impactful children’s books that should be available for every child’s personal bookshelf and prized in every community library.
Grateful for Support
Happy to announce that as of December 31, 2020 we have reached 75% of our $5K Bus Drive Goal and have started to look at vehicles for sale. We are hoping that with your support, we can reach the final quarter needed for purchase of the bus.
Bus Drive Now
Getting books to the children is no easy feat! This will take a lot of work to take the mission to the road and get books in the hands of children. We will need help from each of you in reaching these goals.
Books, Books, Books!
It has been such an incredible journey collecting books for the Enchanting Bookmobile, and our sincere gratitude to all of those who have donated to help us reach our starting goal.
Why a 501 (c) (3)?
The significance of nonprofits is that they play a vital role in building vibrant communities by providing…
Bookmobiles Are Enchanting
Have you ever wanted to get lost in the Jurassic period where you’re immersed in a land of dinosaurs, or surrounded by majestic underwater creatures, or…