Embracing Black History Month in Children’s Books

Though it is key for diversity to be represented in our everyday lives, our organization has realized that many of the available children’s books focus on white characters and research suggests that nearly 80% of characters, plots, and illustrations in children’s books are of white individuals and families - which clearly does not reflect the reality of our world. Our goal is geared towards increasing diversity in our book collection and we are hoping you’ll help support this mission!

In honor of Black History Month, we would like to highlight a few impactful children’s books that should be available for every child’s personal bookshelf and prized in every community library.

1.) “My Very Favorite Book In The Whole Wide World” -Malcolm Mitchell

2) “I Am Enough” -Grace Bryers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm0cjSdzrSY

3) “Something Beautiful” -Sharon Dennis Wyeth

When we look at the diversity gap in children’s publishing, it is important to continue the march for books to be ABOUT EVERYONE AND FOR EVERYONE! The Enchanting Bookmobile stands with all people from all backgrounds, races, ages, and creeds. Our organization operates from the core values of embracing the dignity and worth of a person, providing service, and upholding social justice. These tenants align with the very work we aim to do in the community, please consider being a part of our mission and showing your support.

We are announcing our newest challenge to raise $300 in February 2021 to purchase a 25 book bulk-order of “I Believe I Can” by Grace Bryers & Keturah A. Bobo.


As always, we hope that you support our bus fundraising drive, we’re hoping to get the wheels on the bus rolling in the coming months. Please visit our donation page and/or contact us with any question. Happy Reading!


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Grateful for Support